
Showing posts from July, 2017
       Please let me plead my case. My name is Glenn and I am a recovering addict. I am now in my 18th year of treatment for addiction to opiates. I have been able to find what works best for me in Methadone Treatment. Methadone itself is a controversial medication due to its ability to be abused like any other drug. Taken Incorrectly it can become addictive and be as dangerous as the Opioids themself. What little information most people know about Methadone comes in form of a breaking news story of a celebrity death, and that only polarizes the negative image it has in the public  psyche. I hope by Blogging and telling my story over time, I can shed a little light on Methodone and the truth...  at least my truth. So please check in from time to time for updates.