
Need Help?      If anyone is suffering from Addiction to Opiates and/or Heroin I highly recommend Methadone  Treatment. Many may disagree with me, and I welcome any comments to debate. Many think I've traded one drug for another. I've Not. Taken on a daily basis, around the same time everyday, it is no different than taken medicines for Diabetes or Heart disease. Many people in other recovery programs such as 12 step programs have a hard time with Methadone treatment. My goal is to shed light on both the pros and cons of Methadone, and have a open discussion with anyone who is interested.      Listed Below are Links for further research on Methadone and Resources to treatment, Both local and national. I am in treatment at Rochester (MN) Metro Treatment Center, AKA New Seasons. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2360 North Broadway Rochester MN 55906 Phone: 507-
       Please let me plead my case. My name is Glenn and I am a recovering addict. I am now in my 18th year of treatment for addiction to opiates. I have been able to find what works best for me in Methadone Treatment. Methadone itself is a controversial medication due to its ability to be abused like any other drug. Taken Incorrectly it can become addictive and be as dangerous as the Opioids themself. What little information most people know about Methadone comes in form of a breaking news story of a celebrity death, and that only polarizes the negative image it has in the public  psyche. I hope by Blogging and telling my story over time, I can shed a little light on Methodone and the truth...  at least my truth. So please check in from time to time for updates.
    Can anyone explain to me why Sergey Kislyak is still in the Country? Remember, back in December the Obama Admin. Kicked out 35+ Russian ambassadors and diplomats. Every news org.(print & media) has said he is a spy with direct access to Putin . He has been linked to all the major players under the FBI investigation. He has been to the White House as a Guest of the POTUS and posed for photos for Russian media. I'm not a politician, and I don't understand the logistics behind it all. But the Optics looks real bad!           Regardless what anyone thinks of this Circle Jerk. Why is Kislyak still here? or the very least, not more of a headline in todays news? Who said "You keep your Friends close and Your Enemies closer?" - my Daily Rant ( GB )

In the Beginning...

I have no idea what I'm doing here, or what this all about. I guess we both will find out as it progresses or dies out before it even begins. So, watch this site for new content or a "FOR RENT" sign posted.